If you havent noticed I added a page for Dot and one for dancing...Give me requests and I'll try to find that type of dance or put up the exact one you ask me for...

10/29/2008 09:39:57 am


Rocco is a frikken hottie!! no wonder you're always ranting on and on and on about him!!

and dot is absolutely HILARIOUS!!! love it!!

love it love it love it!


ps: put some brake dancing on your site!! that stuff is just crazy cool to watch!

10/29/2008 11:11:40 am

I will sometime...But Yes He is just SO RANTABLE!!!Sigh he is my Tiku...

Moolatte XD
11/2/2008 06:28:19 am

betsy L. put up a new site! prettypink.weebly.com

11/6/2008 06:42:45 am

site update

11/7/2008 07:50:26 am

yo! i pulled a semi-zanna!

i made a new site just for the Residents! don't worry though, CrazedMind will still be updated!


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