



Im so nervous about the Washington D.C. trip Im going on.  Its like if we take one wrong object the next thing you know youre pinned to the ground by some bodyguard wanting whatever object you have that could be mistaken for a weapon.  Its like jeez Im not gonna take this bobbypin and start slashing people or anything!  But oh well.... Im gonna love the trip anyway!

P.S. Durithyll and Mowo Im gonna need some sleep sooner or later on the bus ride so dont try to pull an all niter with me!!!  Maybe I will use that bobbypin!!!!:) Just kidding!

4/13/2008 02:36:27 am

no! not the bobbypin! anything but the bobbypin!!

homicidal bobbypins aside, you're just gonna have to deal with it! we're gonna keep you up ALL night. ;) just kidding.

another thing, i've been having trouble getting on RandomHavoc and Mowo64artshow, is my computer just dumb or did they take down they're sites?

4/25/2008 11:29:31 pm

Aaaahhhh!!!! Deathly bobby pin of DOOOOOM!!!

*Runs off screaming*

*Returns for Computer*

*Continues screaming*


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